Wellbeing & Pastoral Care
How We Support Students
At Royds Hall Academy we consider the health, safety and wellbeing of students of the utmost importance. To support every student at Royds Hall we have five Heads of Year at Royds Hall. Their role is to ensure that every student is supported to achieve their personal best in all aspects of personal development, safety and academic progress. In addition the Heads of Year promote the school’s values and expectations with their year group and celebrate student successes achieved both inside and outside of our school.
The Heads of Year monitor the progress of each student in their year group and work closely with families to support students throughout their school life. The Heads of Year lead a team of tutors who meet with their tutor groups for twenty minutes every morning. During this time, students undertake PSHE/SMSC activities, reading for pleasure and ‘the big debate’, whilst tutors are able to spend time with individuals and groups of students to monitor their academic progress and wellbeing. Any additional intervention needed by individual students also takes during this period of daily tutor time.
The main work of the Heads of Year, is to monitor the pastoral wellbeing and academic progress of each student. In addition to the Head of Year team we have our wellbeing service is managed by a team of professionally trained staff who offer support to meet the health and wellbeing needs of the school community.
At Royds Hall Academy, we recognise the importance of the emotional health and wellbeing of all members of the academy community and don’t just look after the academic progress and achievement of students. We have developed and established network of support, advice and care that means that students don’t just thrive academically but also emotionally and socially.
Mr Hall - Associate Deputy Headteacher - Pastoral
Mr Morrell - Assistant Headteacher
Mr Douglas - Head of Year 8
Mr Jaggar - Head of Year 10
Mr Kitterick - Head of Year 9
Ms Moxom - Head of Year 7
Mr Lee - Head of Year 11
The Student Wellbeing Service provides a range of support that can be readily accessed by all students including:
One to one targeted support, advice and guidance sessions around various emotional and social skills including: bullying, friendships, transition, feelings and emotions, behaviour, self-esteem, peer pressure, body image, making positive choices, revision techniques, personal hygiene, positive relationships and healthy living.
- Lunch and break time provisions for students.
- An input into the school ERIC curriculum and supporting staff and students in the delivery and learning of sensitive topics.
For any further information, please contact the Student Wellbeing Team - 01484 463366
Ms Saparamadu - Personalised Learning and Behaviour Co-Ordinator
Ms Vaughan - SEMH Lead Mentor
Ms Smith - Wellbeing and SEMH Mentor
Ms Cheeseman - Learning Mentor
If you require support with student absence, please see Student Absence - Supportive Information for Parents (Royds Hall).
The local school nursing team provide a text service for students and parents/carers for health queries. Students can text 07520 618866. For further information see www.thrivingkirklees.org.uk/chat-health/
For general medical or dental health advice ring the NHS on 111 or visit https://111.nhs.uk/
Free sanitary towels are available for students in school. They can obtain these from Student Services.
Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing
The local Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service is provided by Thriving Kirklees at Northorpe Hall in Mirfield. Parents/carers, GPs and other professionals can refer a child for emotional wellbeing support by filling in the form here: https://www.thrivingkirklees.org.uk/referral-form/ For urgent support and advice please call 0300 304 5555. This number is available 24/7.
The academy is part of the Trailblazer project, which means we have close links with the Mental Health Support Team at Northorpe Hall. You can refer a child for support around low mood, low level anxiety and phobias by speaking to Joanne Thompson at school.
Northorpe Hall provide information sessions to students and to parents/carers on a number of wellbeing topics. These sessions can be found here: https://www.northorpehall.co.uk/
Kooth is an excellent online counselling service for children in Kirklees. See kooth.com for more information.
YoungMinds is the UK’s leading national charity committed to improving the mental health and emotional wellbeing of all children and young people. www.youngminds.org.uk
Other mental health and emotional wellbeing resources can be found here: annafreud.org and mind.org.uk
For information on Eating Disorders please see the Beat website https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk/ or call their helpline on 0808 801 0711.
Papyrus is the UK charity for the prevention of suicide in young people. Their website is https://www.papyrus-uk.org/ and their helpline is 0800 068 4141.
It’s really important that we are made aware if a child has suffered a close bereavement so we can fully support them in school. Please contact your child’s Head of Year or the wellbeing team so that we can discuss how best to support the student in school
Cruse Bereavement Care promotes the wellbeing of bereaved people and enables anyone bereaved by death to understand their grief and cope with their loss. The organisation provides support and offers information, advice, education and training services. www.cruse.org.uk
Winston’s Wish is the largest provider of services to bereaved children, young people and their families in the UK. They have lots of information and support available for children who are bereaved through suicide. www.winstonswish.org.uk
Child Bereavement UK help children and families with grief and loss. Their website is https://www.childbereavementuk.org/ and their helpline is 0800 02 888 40.
The academy’s Student Wellbeing Service provides support to students around their sexuality and gender identity. The lead for the Academy is Ms Jane Vaughan
An excellent local resource which supports young LGBTQ+ people is The Brunswick Centre. More information can be found here: https://www.thebrunswickcentre.org.uk/services/youth-services
Young Carers
A Young Carer is a child that goes above and beyond what is expected of other children at their age in order to provide care or assistance to a relative. It may be a parent or sibling or someone else in the family home who has a long-term illness, disability or additional needs. The Young Carer may help with housework or personal care for the family member among other things.
Information on Young Carers can be found here:
The local Young Carers service is run by Barnardo’s and you can get support via their website: