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Open Evening Tuesday 28th September 2021

Headteachers Presentation will take place at 5:30pm, 6:15pm and 7pm in the Performance Hall. Three sittings have been scheduled so that we can limit capacity to ensure social distancing. 

A schedule of activities per department will be added ASAP. 

Please click below for the Flyer. 

We look forward to seeing you all! 

Admissions Process

For September 2022

  • Kirklees local authority manages admissions process and you can apply online.  We have 172 places. 
  • Parents wishing to apply for a place at Royds Hall SHARE Academy for their child in Year 7 for 2022/23 must complete the SCAF supplied by their home local authority.  Children with a statement of special educational needs will have a slightly different admissions process.
  • If you live in Kirklees apply using: The completed SCAF should be returned by 31st October 2021  to Kirklees LA.
  • Parents/carers must list Royds Hall a SHAREMAT Academy as one of their three preferences of secondary schools on the SCAF.
  • Parents will be informed of the school allocation via email from the local authority on Tuesday 1st March 2022.
  • Children on roll at Luck Lane and Lily Park in Year 6 will be offered a place at the secondary school phase but will need to apply via the Kirklees system.


  • The governors operate an independent appeals process
  • Write to Miss V Sheath PA to the Head teacher, marking your letter as “Admission Appeal”
  •  You can discuss matters with our Assistant Headteacher (Mr D Hall) in charge of admissions. 
  • Once a written request has been received, we will endeavour to arrange the appeal panel within 10 working days.

Over Subscription Criteria – for September 2022

If there are fewer applicants than there are places available, everyone who applies will be offered a place. When there are more applicants than there are places available there has to be a way of deciding which children are offered places. This is done by having admission criteria which are considered in strict order of priority:

  1. Children in public care (looked after children) and children who were previously looked after (note 1).
  2. Children who live inside the PAA (priority admission area) and attend either Lily Park (Beech), Woodside Green (Cowlersley) or Luck Lane academies (note 2).
  3. Children who live in the school’s Priority Admission Area (PAA) who have a brother or sister attending from the same address at the date of admission (the sibling rule).
  4. Children who live outside the PAA but attend either Lily Park (Beech), Woodside Green (Cowlersley)  or Luck Lane academies.
  5. Children who live in the school’s PAA.
  6. Children who live outside the school’s PAA who have a brother or sister attending from the same address at the date of admission (the sibling rule). NB: (brother or sister means; a child with at least one natural or legally adopted parent being the same person). Original documents will be requested by the Data Manager.
  7. Children who live outside the school’s PAA.