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Year 7 - 9 KS3 Literacy Catch Up Premium

The Royds Hall Approach

At Royds Hall Academy we aim to support the bespoke needs of our students and have the following strategies in place to help students develop confidence and fluency in reading:

  • Accelerated Reader Program for Key Stage 3 to support students in selecting and understanding appropriate texts
  • Reading Friends which enables older students to support younger students in their reading
  • Fresh Start Phonics to support students in the early phases of reading
  • IDL software to support reading and spelling
  • Reciprocal Reading which is a structured approach to teaching strategies (questioning, clarifying, summarising and predicting) that students can use to improve their reading comprehension.

Key Stage 3 – Supporting students and helping them to develop a love of reading

In Key Stage 3 we aim to identify students’ reading ability and develop a love of reading. Our strategies include:

  • Testing all students on entry through the NGRT testing program to evaluate reading abilities
  • All Year 7 and 8 students engaging with the Accelerated Reader Program in English lessons and the undertaking of STAR assessments termly
  • Introducing all students to the school library and teaching them how to select appropriate books.
  • Reciprocal Reading takes place in a structured weekly form time session and during subject lessons for all students.
  • Fresh Start Phonics to support students in the early phases of reading delivered by ETAs & Learning Mentors.
  • In lesson and after-school catch-up using reciprocal reader techniques to develop comprehension delivered by ETAs & Learning Mentors.