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Extended Learning Opportunities

Brilliant Tutoring Programme

Year 8 students are working with university tutors and PHD students through the Brilliant Tutoring Programme with the aim of accessing the highest GCSE grades.  Focusing on specially selected topics in English, Chemistry and Biology, students attend after school sessions in small groups to receive tutoring, supporting them to achieve top marks in these topics.  This is aimed at our students with a target of a 6+ at GCSE and is primarily aimed at our disadvantaged students.

Scholars Programme

The Royds Hall Scholars' Programme aims to work alongside students to inspire themselves and their families to aim for university following their time at Royds Hall. Students have the opportunity to attend enrichment activities in collaboration with Oxford and Cambridge Universities on a variety of topics to witness the incredible Post-16 routes available to them. Students in Years 8-10 are also involved with weekly critical thinking sessions to enhance the communication and analytical thinking skills that are required by top colleges and universities. 

Student leadership

Student Leadership roles are vital in supporting an ethos of strong community and innovation. There is wide range of opportunities for students to contribute to the development of the school and the wider community.

Students are encouraged to contribute formally and informally in a number of ways and through a variety of democratic structures. All student leadership opportunities are advertised via the student bulletin and social media. Students are able to apply for certain positions of responsibility at various stages in their school career. 

Year 7: Form Representative & School Council opportunities

Year 8: Form Representative, School Council opportunities & Student Receptionist

Year 9: Form Representative & School Council opportunities

Year 10: Form Representative, School Council opportunities and Peer Mentors

Year 11: Form Representative, School Council opportunities & Senior Students

Senior students 

Students in Year 10 are invited to submit an application to become a Senior Student. Following successful short-listing students will be interviewed by the Head of Year and Assistant Headteacher. 

Once recruited, Senior Students take a lead role in key school events demonstrating that they can communicate effectively with a wide range of stakeholders and be ambassadors for the school. Our aim is to give Senior Students the opportunity to develop key employability skills such as leadership, resilience and problem-solving, to support them with future applications and skills for college, university, apprenticeship and jobs.

Duke of Edinburgh Award Programme

Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme is a nationally recognised scheme which encourages young adults to complete challenges, learn new skills, overcome obstacles and build confidence and resilience.  All students in year 9 have the opportunity to apply for the Duke of Edinburgh scheme.

There are three levels of the award to achieve starting with Bronze and progressing to Silver and Gold.  Each level has varying challenges and length of time to complete.

School Council 

The School Council is the voice of the student body.  Each form group has 2 representatives who are elected democratically.  Representatives from each Form meet every term with their Head of Year and agree an agenda to discuss at the whole School Council meeting.  Student representatives take the lead on deciding which topics are to be discussed and addressed and feedback to the Headteacher.  

Ambassador roles within the council include:

  • Eco Ambassador
  • LGBTQ+ Ambassador
  • Anti-Bullying Ambassador
  • Safeguarding & Wellbeing Ambassador
  • Faith, Belief and Culture Ambassador
  • Additional Needs Ambassador

Ambassador roles are open to all year groups.

Breakfast Club

The Royds Hall breakfast Club opens at 7:30am Monday to Friday during term time and is a free service. High expectations of behaviour and normal school rules will apply during Breakfast Club. 

All students attending the breakfast club will be offered a free bagel or bowl of cereal to start the day. Mellor’s, our catering team, will also offer waffles, drinks and toast, these are chargeable at the normal rate, paid for via the normal parent pay system. The free bagel /cereal offer is part funded by the National Breakfast Programme.

Students have the opportunity to talk with friends, play board games or relax before the start of the school day.

Extra-Curricular Opportunities

An extensive amount of extra-curricular opportunities are available to students at break, lunchtime and after school. 

Students are also given the opportunity, should they wish, to start their own club. With the help of our Extended Learning Coordinator, students complete a robust proposal form and receive on-going support with the running of their clubs.

Please see below schedule:


Week A

Week B


Geography Club (Room 9)

Dodgeball/Benchball (FIRST LUNCH – Sports Hall)

Dance Year 7 (FIRST LUNCH - Gym)

History Club (Room 9)

Dodgeball/Benchball (FIRST LUNCH – Sport Hall )

After School

Music Tech Club (Room 1)

KS3 Film Club (Room 20)

Homework Club (ILC)

Drama Club (Drama Studio)

Basketball All Years (Sports Hall)

Dance Years 9/10/11 (Gym)

Music Tech Club (Room 1)

KS3 Film Club (Room 20)

Homework Club (ILC)

Drama Club (Drama Studio)

Basketball All Years (Sports Hall)

Dance Years 9/10/11 (Gym)


Week A

Week B


Football (FIRST LUNCH)

Maths Challenge (SECOND LUNCH – M5)

Maths Challenge (FIRST LUNCH – M5)

After School


Week A

Week B


BEFORE SCHOOL - KS4 French Revision (Dining Hall)

Table Tennis (FIRST LUNCH – Gym)

Girls Fitness (FIRST LUNCH – Fitness Suite)

BEFORE SCHOOL - KS4 French Revision (Dining Hall)

Table Tennis (FIRST LUNCH – Gym)

Girls Fitness (FIRST LUNCH – Fitness Suite)

After School

Retro Gaming Club (Room 6)

Royds Hall Band (Room 1)

Homework Club (ILC)

Interform Football Year 11

Football All Years

Python Programming Club (Room 6)

Royds Hall Band (Room 1)

Homework Club (ILC)

Interform Football Year 11

Football All Years


Week A

Week B


Fitness (FIRST LUNCH – Fitness Suite)

Badminton (FIRST LUNCH - Sports Hall)

Dance Year 9 (FIRST LUNCH – Gym)

Fitness (FIRST LUNCH – Fitness Suite)

Badminton (FIRST LUNCH - Sports Hall)

After School

Homework Club (ILC)

Arts Club (Room 13)

Crafts and Sewing Club (A3)

Warhammer Club (Room A1)

Netball All Years (Sports Hall)

Homework Club (ILC)

Arts Club (Room 13)

Crafts and Sewing Club (A3)

Warhammer Club (Room A1)

Netball All Years (Sports Hall)

Dance Year 8 (Gym)


Week A

Week B


Basketball (FIRST LUNCH – Sports Hall)

Dodgeball (FIRST LUNCH – Sports Hall)

Basketball (FIRST LUNCH – Sports Hall)

Dodgeball (FIRST LUNCH – Sports Hall)

After School

Homework Club (ILC)

Homework Club (ILC)