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Our Senior Leadership Team

Welcome to our Senior Leadership Team

Jenny Carr - Executive Headteacher/Principal

I feel privileged to be the Headteacher at Royds Hall, the secondary phase of Royds Hall Community School. 

Royds Hall possesses a wonderful ethos and spirit, where children are placed at the centre. 

For many families it is important to know that the Head teacher of their child’s school is suitably experienced and will ensure your child is as important to us, as they are to you.

Emily Devane - Associate Headteacher

I joined Royds Hall in April 2019 as Senior Deputy Headteacher with responsibility for pastoral, ensuring all our students are supported to achieve their personal best at school. I ensure that form time sessions are designed to facilitate students to develop academically, socially and emotionally. 

I also work alongside Mrs Spry to quality assure the teaching & learning experience, to enable students to succeed in all areas of the curriculum and progress to positive destinations after year 11.  I feel privileged to be part of the senior leadership team at Royds Hall and I am passionate about ensuring all our students achieve their personal best throughout their time at the school.

Emily Spry - Deputy Headteacher

I joined Royds Hall Community School in September 2016 and have recently taken the post of Deputy Headteacher (Quality of Education). In this role, I oversee the curriculum, student outcomes and teaching and learning. I am also responsible for planning and coordinating the staff development and the quality assurance of teaching and learning across the school. Working at Royds Hall Community School as part of the senior leadership team is something that I am extremely proud of. It is a privilege to help shape the future of our students and I am extremely passionate about ensuring that students are receiving the best possible learning experience. 


Julie Donnelly - Associate Deputy Headteacher 

I am Associate Deputy Headteacher with responsibility for Quality of Education, Teaching.  

I will lead on ‘Teaching and Learning’ ensuring that the strategic aims and objectives support staff and students and quality assure learning and teaching in school.

I will be responsible for strategically planning the CPD programme and sharing of pedagogy to ensure teachers are helping students, to know and remember more and ensure that teachers use assessment well, to help students embed and use knowledge fluently or to check understanding and inform teaching.

Dan Hall - Associate Deputy Headteacher

I am the Associate Deputy Headteacher for Pastoral.

I will be leading the pastoral and attendance team to  develop strategies to help overcome obstacles students may experience in achieving their personal best, particularly those known to be at greatest risk of underperformance, e.g. disadvantaged cohort. 

Lead a calm, safe, environment where all adults secure the highest standards of student behaviour and academic achievement.

Martin Morrell - Assistant Headteacher

 I am the Assistant Headteacher, focusing on Positive Behaviours and Attitudes. 

I aim to promote and model good relationships with parents, which are based on partnerships, to support and improve students' achievements and lead on attendance, positive behaviour and attitude to learning.



Nathan Inman - Assistant Headteacher 

I am the Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion, previously working as the SENCo. I lead on our whole school SEND provision. This includes the Additional Resource Provision, Children Looked After, Personal Development, in-house Key Stage 4 alternative provision, Wellbeing and Transition. 

Through our robust identification processes, I am responsible for the development of strategies to help overcome obstacles that students may experience in achieving their personal best. In particular, I work with students known to be at the greatest risk of underperformance, e.g. children with additional needs, while also ensuring we access extensive support from external services where required. 

Joanne Thompson - Director of Safeguarding and SEMH

 I am the designated safeguarding lead. I believe that students need to have good quality support and their overall welfare needs met for them to have ‘good’ self-esteem. All these areas need to be provided for them to become confident learners who reach their full potential. Our aim is to ensure we offer an outstanding level of pastoral support within school.